Carnivore Research Volunteer Placement – Malawi

Updated: over 2 years ago
Deadline: 31 Dec 2022

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Carnivore Research Malawi
Job Category
Volunteer Openings
Start Date
Last Date to Apply
CRM conducts applied research to understand the ecology, spatial behavior and threats to carnivores in Malawi. We am to understand the impacts of habitat fragmentation, urbanization and human wildlife conflict on carnivore ecology and survival to inform conservation management. CRM runs a number of research projects across our sites and our current main focus is the Urban Hyaena Research Project which aims to assess the behavioral ecology of urban and suburban hyaena populations, to understand resource requirements, drivers of conflict, and hyaena population density. With CRM you will have the opportunity to gain many new skills including field research techniques like camera trapping, individual ID recognition, large mammal transects, spotlighting, den searches, scat transects, hair cross section analysis, radio tracking, satellite collar use and management, and the potential for trapping of hyaena and jackal depending on current operations during your visit. Additional, CRM conducts outreach and education activities where you will gain skills and experience in conducting community human-wildlife conflict surveys in rural areas of Malawi. For those joining us for more than three weeks we conduct a training needs assessment on arrival to identify and plan your training targets to be achieved during your placement. We develop a structured training program for your placement and you receive a CRM training manual to take away. Training covers both practical and theoretical training. Please send us an email to receive further informational material about placements with CRM including costs and logistic details.
Anyone with an interest in carnivore research and human-wildlife conflict or looking to pursue a career in wildlife research are encouraged to apply.
Contact Person
Volunteer Coordinator
Contact eMail
[email protected]

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