PhD Studentship: Modelling Extreme Magnetosphere-atmosphere Interactions

Updated: 14 days ago
Location: Coventry, ENGLAND
Job Type: FullTime
Deadline: 30 Jun 2024

Supervisors: Dr. Ravindra Desai (Physics), Dr Dimitri Veras (Physics)


Extreme Space Weather is driven by large-scale eruptions from the Sun called coronal mass ejections. Upon arrival at the Earth, these produce amazing auroral displays but also endanger satellites and disrupt communication signals. Accurately modelling magnetosphere-atmosphere energy transfers is important to understanding the evolution of planetary atmospheres as well as developing real-world space weather forecasts. Through collaboration with QinetiQ, this project will develop state-of-the-art plasma simulations to probe magnetosphere-atmosphere interactions during solar storms, with application to characterising their technological impacts as well as to understanding Earth-like exoplanets subjected to more extreme star-planet interactions.

Usually magnetospheric and atmospheric research efforts are treated in isolation. This project will be novel by combining a leading global magnetospheric model with a state-of-the-art general circulation model to study energy and momentum transfers through the tightly coupled system.

This approach promises to holistically capture the multi-scale nature of current systems heating the upper atmosphere, including through a phenomenon known as Joule Heating which was implicated in the loss of over 40 Starlink satellites in February 2022.

This multi-disciplinary endeavour will examine Space Weather events observed across the Space Age, as well as upcoming events during Solar Cycle 25. Through collaboration with QinetiQ and access to unique datasets, this project will develop the computational and statistical capabilities to understand and model magnetospheric and atmospheric dynamics subjected to rarely observed, extreme conditions.

This research effort also forms part of a new space mission concept led by the University of Warwick called ROARS (Revealing Orbital and Atmospheric Responses to Solar activity), recently selected by the European Space Agency. The ROARS consortium features leading scientists and institutions from across Europe, North America and Africa.

This project brings together expertise from the Warwick Centre for Fusion, Space and Astrophysics and Astronomy Group. The advanced numerical models will need to be developed and implemented on Warwick and national High-Performance-Computing systems and the applicant will be guided to develop the required high level of research software engineering skills.

Informal enquiries to discuss the project are welcome and can be addressed to: [email protected]

About the CDT:

HetSys is an EPSRC-supported Centre for Doctoral Training. It recruits students from across physical sciences, mathematics and engineering who enjoy using their mathematical skills and thinking flexibly to solve complex problems. By developing these skills HetSys trains people to challenge current state-of-the-art in computational modelling of heterogeneous, ‘real world’ systems across a range of research themes such as nanoscale devices, new catalysts, superalloys, smart fluids, space plasmas etc. They have recently been awarded £11m to train PhD cohorts in computation modelling.

HetSys is built around a closely knit, highly collaborative team of academics from five science departments at Warwick with a strong track record in leading large projects. With its project partners HetSys develops talented, energetic PhD students to push boundaries in this exciting field. The students have the potential to inspire new ideas, approaches and innovation and become future leaders in developing new technologies. HetSys builds on Warwick's cross-departmental scientific computing research community and the Warwick Centre for Predictive Modelling.

Previous applicants need not apply.

Additional Funding Information

Awards for UK residents pay a stipend to cover maintenance as well as paying the university fees and a research training support. The stipend is at the standard UKRI rate £19,237. 

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