Researcher position in Hydroinformatics

Updated: almost 3 years ago
Deadline: today

We are looking for a new colleague enthusiastic to join and strengthen our research, education, and international cooperation activities in the hydroinformatics discipline. Your main project will be the research on “CLImate INTelligence: Extreme events detection, attribution and adaptation design using machine learning” (CLINT), funded by European Commission (H2020 programme), starting July 1st, 2021, with a 4-year duration. This project aims to develop an Artificial Intelligence framework composed of Machine Learning techniques and algorithms to process big climate datasets for improving the detection, causation and attribution of extreme events, including tropical cyclones, heatwaves and warm nights, and extreme droughts, along with compound events and concurrent extremes.

You will be contributing to the CLINT project through application and further development and testing of state-of-the-art Machine Learning techniques (various types of deep learning artificial neural networks and related techniques, (big) data management and use of High Performance Computing) for improved detection of extreme events, focusing on droughts and tropical cyclones, at sub-seasonal and seasonal scale, building on hydrometeorological ensemble forecast datasets. The developed detection methods will be encapsulated in climate service prototypes, co-designed with end-users and tested preoperationally across different case studies in Europe and Africa, in particular in the Netherlands and Spain. These climate services will be developed in close collaboration with renowned European institutions within the CLINT project. Contributions to other ongoing research projects on related fields will also be expected, e.g. the value of remote sensing data for modelling climate adaptations. As part of the chair group you will also get the opportunity to contribute to activities related to education and international cooperation in hydroinformatics.

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