NIH-Oxford-Cambridge Program<!--!Font Awesome Free 6.5.1 by @fontawesome - License - Copyright 2024 Fonticons, Inc.-->(Link is external)

Updated: 3 days ago
Deadline: The position may have been removed or expired!

The NIH Oxford-Cambridge (OxCam) Scholars Program is a highly individualized doctoral program for outstanding students seeking to pursue a career in biomedical research. OxCam Scholars partner with two Investigators - one at the NIH and another at either the University of Oxford or University of Cambridge - to perform a single, collaborative dissertation project. Since the program is based on the British system, students are not required to take formal coursework. As a result, OxCam students typically complete the doctoral degree in approximately four years. While in the program, OxCam Scholars are enrolled at Oxford or Cambridge in the UK as well as appointed as a predoctoral IRTA at the NIH. Each student divides the time evenly between the two laboratories, with approximately two years at the NIH and two years in the UK. 

Students interested in pursuing a career as a physician-scientist may pair the NIH OxCam Program with a U.S. medical school or Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) via the NIH MD/PhD Partnership Training Program . NIH MD/PhD Program students partner with the medical school for the M.D. phase of training, and participate in the OxCam Program for the PhD phase of training. Funding for the medical school portion of the MD/PhD Program is provided through extramural MSTP funding from the participating medical school. 

If you are interested in mentoring an OxCam PhD or MD/PhD Scholar or would like to submit a potential research collaboration, please contact Dr. Kristi Porter. 

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