Dive Safety Specialist

Updated: 4 days ago

  • Emergency Response Planning
  • Develop and implement emergency response plans for diving accidents or incidents, including procedures for medical emergencies, equipment failures, and diver rescues.

    Dive Program Logistics:

  • Dive Planning and Supervision:
  • Assist researchers and staff in planning dive operations, including dive site selection, dive profiles, and decompression procedures. Provide on-site supervision during dives to ensure adherence to safety protocols.

  • Dive Program Support
  • Serve as Lead Diver and manage logistics and dive operations as needed.

    Assist lab team in field activities, including field sampling, coastal surveys, logistic procedure, and other related task, as appropriate;

  • Documentation and Reporting
  • Maintain accurate records of diving activities, including dive logs, equipment maintenance records, training records and incident reports. Prepare reports as required by AAUS or other regulatory agencies. Assist with continual development of SOPs and refinement of safety protocols.

    Dive Safety Training

  • Dive Safety Training Requirements
  • Establish Dive Safety Training requirements in accordance to AAUS guidelines.

  • Dive Safety Training Provision
  • Coordinate and provide training for scientific divers, ensuring that they possess the necessary skills and certifications to safely conduct underwater research.

  • Training Coordination
  • Coordinate and facilitate scientific diver training programs and certification courses.

    Dive Locker Operation

    1.    Equipment Inspection and Maintenance:

    Oversee the inspection, maintenance, and repair of diving equipment to ensure that it meets safety standards and functions properly.

    Other Essential Accountabilities

  • Continuous Improvement
  • Regularly review and update safety protocols and procedures based on lessons learned from incidents, advances in diving technology, and changes in regulatory requirements.

  • Collaboration
  • Work closely with researchers, project managers, dive teams, and other stakeholders to ensure that diving activities are conducted safely and efficiently in support of scientific goals.

  • Conduct other duties as assigned.

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