Recruitment of 3 (three) Assistant Professors in the Disciplinary Area of Architecture, in the Lisbon School of Architecture of the Universidade de Lisboa

Updated: 22 days ago
Job Type: FullTime
Deadline: 02 Jul 2024

16 May 2024
Job Information


Centro de Investigação em Arquitectura, Urbanismo e Design
Research Field

Architecture » Other
Researcher Profile

First Stage Researcher (R1)

Application Deadline

2 Jul 2024 - 23:59 (Europe/Lisbon)
Type of Contract

Job Status

Hours Per Week

Offer Starting Date

17 May 2024
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?

Not funded by an EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?


Offer Description



The Lisbon School of Architecture (FA) of the Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa) declares that a selection competition is open for 30 working days from the immediate day of the publication of this public notice in Diário da República (Portuguese Official Journal). This competition is for the recruitment of 3 (three) Assistant Professors in the Disciplinary Area of Architecture, in the Lisbon School of Architecture of the Universidade de Lisboa, in the form of an employment contract in public functions. This competition procedure follows the guidelines established under the terms of articles 37 to 51, 61 and 62-A of the Statute of the University Teaching Career (hereinafter referred to as ECDU), republished by the Decree-Law no. 205/2009 of August 31st, amended by Law No. 8/2010 of May 13th, and additional applicable legislation, namely the ‘Regulamento geral de concursos para recrutamento de professores catedráticos, associados e auxiliares da Universidade de Lisboa,’ approved by a rectory dispatch dated February 16th, 2015, and published by Dispatch no. 2307/2015, in Diário da República, 2nd series, no. 45, of March 5th (hereinafter referred to as Regulamento).


The recruited candidate will sign a public functions contract of indefinite time, in the category for which the present competition is open, which includes five years of experimental period.

This competition is specially directed to PhD degree holders who have high research potential and capacities, who intend to to be admited in the university teaching career.

The decision to launch this tender was also based on compliance with Article 6, No. 5, of Decree-Law No. 57/2016 of August 29th, as amended by Law No. 57/2017 of July 19th.

The joint dispatch no. 373/2000, of March 31st, of the Minister of State Reform and Public Administration and the Minister for Equality, makes it compulsory to mention the following in entrance and access competitions:

“In accordance to paragraph h) of article 9 of the Portuguese Constitution, the Portuguese Public Administration, as an employer, actively promotes a policy of equal opportunities among men and women in the access to employment and career development, and takes scrupulous measures to avoid every form of discrimination”.

As such, no candidate can be privileged, benefited, impaired, or deprived of any right or exemption from any duty, namely given his/her ancestry, age, sexual orientation, marital status, family situation, economic situation, education, social origin or condition, genetic heritage, reduced working capacity, disability, chronic illness, nationality, ethnic origin or race, territory of origin, language, religion, political or ideological beliefs and trade union affiliation.

In accordance with articles 37 to 51 of the ECDU and other applicable legislation, and in compliance with article 8 of the Regulamento, the subsequent requirements must be followed:


I. Authorization Order from the Rector

This competition was authorized by Doutor Luís Manuel dos Anjos Ferreira, Rector of the University of Lisbon, April 29th, 2024, issued after cumulative confirmation of the following requirements:

a)       existence of adequate budget provision

b)      that the vacancies opened by this public notice are foreseen and not occupied in the  Lisbon School of Architecture (FA) teaching staff list, in which the functions to be carried out are defined as teaching and research activities that constitute the set of duties of an Assistant Professor of the Groups of Architecture Curricular Units of the 1st or 2nd cycles, and should be integrated in the research unit Centro de Investigação em Arquitetura, Urbanismo e Design (CIAUD) which is a statutory part of the Lisbon School of Architecture.  


II. Workplace

Lisbon School of Architecture of the Universidade de Lisboa, located in Rua Sá Nogueira, Campus Universitário do Alto da Ajuda, 1349-063 Lisboa.


III. Competition admission requirements

A)      Candidates may apply if they meet all the following requirements:

1) Candidates must hold a doctoral degree in compliance with article 41.º-A of the ECDU.

1.1) Holders of a doctoral degree obtained abroad must have recognition of that degree per Decree-Law No. 66/2018, of August 16th, changed by Decree-Law No. 86/2023, of October 10th.

1.2) The recognition of the doctorate degree referred to above must be obtained before the deadline to sign the contract if the candidate ranked in an eligible position has obtained the doctoral degree abroad.

2) Proficiency in spoken and written Portuguese

2.1) Applicants of foreign nationality, with the exception of applicants from Portuguese-speaking countries, must demonstrate proficiency in spoken and written Portuguese at the common reference level B1. This requirement must be officially recognized through a certificate or diploma of communicative competence in Portuguese from the Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

2.2) If applicable, Applicants must meet the requirement referred to in 2.1) before the deadline to sign the contract.

B)      Formalization

3) The non-submission of any of the documents required for the application within the deadline and in the terms indicated in Chapters VIII and IX of this public notice determines the non-admission thereof, which shall be subject to analysis and decision by the President of FA before deliberation on absolute merit.

4) Candidates will also be excluded from the competition if, even if they have been approved and ranked in the unitary list of the final order of this competition in a position that allows them to occupy the positions, they are asked to present by Chapter VI of the Regulamento, documents proving that they meet the legal conditions for establishing a legal employment relationship with the Lisbon School of Architecture of the Universidade de Lisboa for an indefinite period, and unjustifiably fail to present them within the deadline set for them or if having presented them, the documents presented prove to be inadequate, false or invalid.


IV. Requirements for approval in absolute merit

1 - Admission of candidates in absolute merit depends on the fulfilment of the following criteria, cumulatively:

a) Holders of a doctoral degree in Architecture, or in a related field of knowledge to the disciplinary area for which the competition is open, and that they have an overall curriculum vitae that the jury considers to be of scientific merit, research capacity and the value of the pedagogical activity already developed compatible with the disciplinary area for which the competition is open and appropriate to the respective category of Assistant Professor, by the provisions of Article 10 of Chapter III of the Regulamento;

b) Presenting a Pedagogical Project for a curricular unit or units of the Groups of Architecture Curricular Units of the 1st or 2nd cycles within the Disciplinary Area for which this competition is open. The Pedagogical Project, as a critical synthesis, must emphasise the necessary capabilities for the adequate exercise of the Assistant Professor’s functions in the Disciplinary Area for which the competition is open; and

c) Presenting a Scientific Project that demonstrates the necessary capacity to carry out autonomous research within the scope of the Disciplinary Area for which the competition is open and the candidate’s previous work conclusively and unequivocally supports that;

2) A candidate is considered approved in absolute merit when approved by an absolute majority of the voting jury members in a justified nominal voting, in which no abstention is admitted.


V. Assessment and classification parameters in relative merit, respective ponderations, and final valuation system

Once candidates approved in absolute merit have been identified, the respective evaluation and ranking in relative merit will take place. Candidates will be selected through curricular evaluation under the terms of No. 6 of article 50 of the ECDU and of No. 4 of article 5 and article 11 of the Regulamento, and based on classification, respective ponderations, and final valuation system indicated in the present Public Notice.

The evaluation of each Jury member regarding the candidates’ relative merit in regards to their ranking is based on the weighted sum of the scores attributed to the following criteria on a scale of 0-100 (0 being the minimum and 100 the maximum).

The curriculum of candidates admitted in absolute merit is evaluated in the following aspects: their scientific performance, pedagogical capabilities, and other relevant activities to the mission of the higher education institutions carried out by the candidate, adequate to the position of Assistant Professor, as well as the scientific and pedagogical project presented by the candidate,

In the evaluation of candidates, special importance is given to the relevance, quality and timeliness of the Curriculum Vitae of the candidate and to the academic contributions that are most relevant and with more significant impact selected by the candidate.


The following overall breakdown of weighting is given to the ranking criteria:

A     Scientific Performance - 25%;

B     Pedagogical Capacity - 20%;

C     Other activities relevant to the mission of the University - 15%;

D     Scientific Project – 20%

E     Pedagogical Project - 20%.

In each of the criteria, parameters will be evaluated, which are discriminated as follows:


A.      Scientific Performance (25%):

i) Scientific production based on the analysis of five works included in the candidate’s Curriculum Vitae, one of them the PhD Thesis and the other four selected by the candidate as being most representative of his/her written scientific production, namely concerning his/her contribution to the development and advancement of the Disciplinary Area for which the competition is open, and of his/her experience in applied research within the scope of Architecture.

ii) participation in research projects: this parameter takes into account the candidate's coordination and participation in research projects. The assessment of this parameter should take into account the number of projects, their degree of involvement (national or international), their competitive nature and the type of involvement of the researcher.

iii) The recognition from the scientific community: This parameter takes into account the  participation in national or international juries for academic exams; the participation in national or international evaluation and scientific consultancy panels for scholarships scientific prizes; editorial activities in scientific journals of the speciality; the participation in editorial boards of scientific journals; the participation in the body of reviewers of articles submitted to scientific conferences; coordination and participation in program committees for scientific events; and other distinctions.


B.      Pedagogical Capacity (20%):

i) Teaching activity: This parameter considers the curricular units that the candidate has taught and coordinated, pedagogical performance and teaching at undergraduate, master's and doctoral levels. The assessment of this parameter should consider teaching in curricular units within the scope of the groups of curricular units in the Disciplinary Area in which the competition was opened or equivalent.

ii) Production and dissemination of pedagogical material and results: the assessment of this parameter should consider the diversity and originality of the pedagogical material produced. In this parameter, if the candidate so wishes, they may attach up to three pedagogical publications of any kind to the platform.

iii) Guidance and supervision of students: This parameter considers the guidance of doctoral, master’s and undergraduate students, considering the number and quality of the resulting publications, especially doctoral theses completed and in progress, particularly in the disciplinary area in which the competition is open.


C.      Other activities relevant to the mission of the University (15%):

Performance in other activities relevant to the mission of higher education institutions that have been carried out by the candidate. Activities that are relevant to the performance of the position being applied for include non-academic professional activity in project practice, design and production linked to the Disciplinary Area being applied for, knowledge transfer activity, provision of services and consultancy and other services to the scientific community and society, participation in editorial activities of national and international journals, as well as positions and missions related to activities and objectives necessary to the Disciplinary Area. This parameter should also take into account academic management activities carried out by the candidate. If the candidate so wishes, they may attach up to three elements illustrating the activities carried out in this section.


D.      Scientific Project (20%):

Original Scientific Project, in PDF format, which the candidate proposes to develop over a 5-year period, including both research and its dissemination. The Scientific Project may not exceed 4000 words, excluding images and tables, taking into account the definition of a title; theme; summary; state of the art; objectives; work plan; expected results; suitability for teaching and/or research at the Lisbon School of Architecture; dissemination; references; and schedule of activities.


E.       Pedagogical Project (20%) 

Pedagogical Project, in PDF format, which the candidate proposes to develop as a critical analysis of the curricular unit or units of the Groups of Architecture Curricular Units of the 1st or 2nd cycles within the Disciplinary Area for which this competition is open. The Pedagogical Project must not exceed 4000 words, excluding images and tables, and must define the name of the curricular unit or units; its framework in the course or courses of the Lisbon School of Architecture; the description of the curricular unit(s), considering its theoretical framework, objectives, program, methodologies, evaluation and bibliography.

To rank each candidate applying for the competition, each member of the Jury will rank the candidates by decreasing the order of merit, and voting by each member of the Jury occurs based on their ordered list, to which no ex-aequo rankings are allowed. The Jury votes initially for the first place, then for the second place, and so on, until the ranking of all candidates admitted for the competition and previously approved in absolute merit is complete. In each voting round, the decisions are made by the absolute majority of votes, and the methodology for ranking the candidates is explicit in No. 5 of article 20 of the Regulamento, complying with the provisions of article 17 of the Regulamento.

Following the application of the assessment and ranking criteria, the Jury proceeds to the elaboration of a single ranking list of the candidates.


VI. Preferred parameters

When drawing up the list for each member of the jury, in the event of a tie, each member of the jury must select the candidate with the most relevant curriculum vitae in terms of teaching and research experience in the Disciplinary Area of the competition, with particular emphasis on the international component. This parameter will only be used in the case of a tie in the individual ranking of each member of the Jury presented for voting.


VII. Public hearings and additional document

VII.1 - Whenever necessary, the Jury may decide, by an absolute majority of votes, at its first meeting, to set up public hearings on equal terms for all the candidates admitted based on absolute merit, to clarify some points related with submitted documents.

VII.2 - If public hearings are necessary, they will occur between the 15th and the 30th days after the meeting for admission based on absolute merit, and all candidates shall be informed, at least 5 days before, when and where they will take place. 

VII.3 - The public hearings may be carried out via videoconference, for which the Jury must ensure that these happen in equal circumstances for all candidates approved on absolute merit.

VII.4 - The Jury may request candidates to hand over supplementary documentation related to the submitted Curriculum Vitae, based on No. 4, paragraph a), of article 50 of the ECDU.


VIII. Submission of applications

Applications must be submitted exclusively via the Lisbon School of Architecture electronic application platform on the site dedicated to this competition until the 23:59:59 hours (Lisbon time) of deadline for submission of apllications, which is the 30th working day after the publication of this notice in the Diário da República. Applications sent by email or any other means will not be accepted. It is the candidate's responsibility to correctly insert all the information requested in this Notice on the platform. The platform is available at the following address:


IX. Application formalisation

Under penalty of exclusion from the competition, the application must be accompanied by the following documents in PDF format (text copying is permitted, but not edition):

a)       Application form - Declarations (duly signed) by the compulsory application form, failing which you will not be admitted to the competition, available at  , to be entered in the appropriate field on the platform.

b)      The candidate’s Curriculum Vitae (CV) containing the activities carried out in the components of Scientific Performance, Pedagogical Capacity, and Other Activities relevant to the mission of the higher education institutions carried out by the candidate, taking into consideration the selection and ranking criteria mentioned in Chapter V of this public notice as well as the preferential parameters set out in Chapter VI of this notice. This CV must be organized by the specifications of the notice (including in terms of nomenclature and numbering), and it is imperative to present for each of the parts to be evaluated (Scientific, Pedagogical, Other activities), an opening text, with a maximum of 700 words, to be inserted in the appropriate fields on the platform, which explains the framework of the activities and contribution to the disciplinary area.

c)       Five published works of a scientific nature referred to in point i) of section A) of Chapter V, one of which must be the doctoral thesis of the candidate (even non published) and an opening text of no more than 300 words, to be entered in the appropriate field on the platform, justifying the selection and importance of the five works referred to.

d)      Scientific project that the candidate intends to develop over a 5-year period, including research and its dissemination.

e)      Pedagogical project that the candidate intends to develop as a critical analysis of the curricular unit or units of the Groups of Architecture Curricular Units of the 1st or 2nd cycles within the Disciplinary Area for which this competition is open.

f)        If they wish, candidates may submit up to three pedagogical publications, as indicated in point ii) of section B) of Chapter V, to be entered in the appropriate fields on the platform.

g)       If they wish, candidates may submit up to three items illustrating the activities carried out, as indicated in section C) of Chapter V, to be entered in the appropriate fields on the platform.

Candidates placed in the first three places on the unitary final ranking list must submit to the Human Resources Department of the Lisbon School of Architecture, as stated in the "Application Form - Declarations" above, the documents proving that they meet the legal conditions for an indefinite public employment relationship with the Lisbon School of Architecture, within 10 working days of being notified to do so, as established in article 26 of the Regulamento.


X. Language

The documents accompanying the application, except publications and their annexes, must be submitted in Portuguese or English.


XI. Jury composition

Under the dispositions of articles 45 and 46 of the ECDU, the Jury is composed of the following members:

President: Rector of the Universidade de Lisboa


- Doutor José Fernando de Castro Gonçalves, Professor Associado, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra;

- Doutor Nuno Valentim Rodrigues Lopes, Professor Associado, Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto;

- Doutora Maria Manuel Lobo Pinto Oliveira, Professora Associada com Agregação, Escola de Arquitetura, Arte e Design da Universidade do Minho;

- Doutora Cristina Sofia da Silva Teixeira Aleixo, Professora Associada, Escola de Artes da Universidade de Évora;

- Doutor José Manuel Aguiar Portela da Costa, Professor Catedrático, Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa;

- Doutor Hugo José Abranches Teixeira Lopes Farias, Professor Catedrático, Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa.


May 3rd, 2024 - The Dean of Lisbon School of Architecture, Universidade de Lisboa, Professor Carlos Francisco Lucas Dias Coelho


Research Field
Architecture » Other
Education Level
PhD or equivalent


Competition admission requirements:

Candidates may apply if they meet all the following requirements:

1) Candidates must hold a doctoral degree in compliance with article 41.º-A of the ECDU.

1.1) Holders of a doctoral degree obtained abroad must have recognition of that degree per Decree-Law No. 66/2018, of August 16th, changed by Decree-Law No. 86/2023, of October 10th.

1.2) The recognition of the doctorate degree referred to above must be obtained before the deadline to sign the contract if the candidate ranked in an eligible position has obtained the doctoral degree abroad.

2) Proficiency in spoken and written Portuguese

2.1) Applicants of foreign nationality, with the exception of applicants from Portuguese-speaking countries, must demonstrate proficiency in spoken and written Portuguese at the common reference level B1. This requirement must be officially recognized through a certificate or diploma of communicative competence in Portuguese from the Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

2.2) If applicable, Applicants must meet the requirement referred to in 2.1) before the deadline to sign the contract.

Admission of candidates in absolute merit depends on the fulfilment of the following criteria, cumulatively:

a) Holders of a doctoral degree in Architecture, or in a related field of knowledge to the disciplinary area for which the competition is open, and that they have an overall curriculum vitae that the jury considers to be of scientific merit, research capacity and the value of the pedagogical activity already developed compatible with the disciplinary area for which the competition is open and appropriate to the respective category of Assistant Professor, by the provisions of Article 10 of Chapter III of the Regulamento;

b) Presenting a Pedagogical Project for a curricular unit or units of the Groups of Architecture Curricular Units of the 1st or 2nd cycles within the Disciplinary Area for which this competition is open. The Pedagogical Project, as a critical synthesis, must emphasise the necessary capabilities for the adequate exercise of the Assistant Professor’s functions in the Disciplinary Area for which the competition is open; and

c) Presenting a Scientific Project that demonstrates the necessary capacity to carry out autonomous research within the scope of the Disciplinary Area for which the competition is open and the candidate’s previous work conclusively and unequivocally supports that.


Specific Requirements

Competition admission requirements:

Candidates may apply if they meet all the following requirements:

1) Candidates must hold a doctoral degree in compliance with article 41.º-A of the ECDU.

1.1) Holders of a doctoral degree obtained abroad must have recognition of that degree per Decree-Law No. 66/2018, of August 16th, changed by Decree-Law No. 86/2023, of October 10th.

1.2) The recognition of the doctorate degree referred to above must be obtained before the deadline to sign the contract if the candidate ranked in an eligible position has obtained the doctoral degree abroad.

2) Proficiency in spoken and written Portuguese

2.1) Applicants of foreign nationality, with the exception of applicants from Portuguese-speaking countries, must demonstrate proficiency in spoken and written Portuguese at the common reference level B1. This requirement must be officially recognized through a certificate or diploma of communicative competence in Portuguese from the Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

2.2) If applicable, Applicants must meet the requirement referred to in 2.1) before the deadline to sign the contract.

Admission of candidates in absolute merit depends on the fulfilment of the following criteria, cumulatively:

a) Holders of a doctoral degree in Architecture, or in a related field of knowledge to the disciplinary area for which the competition is open, and that they have an overall curriculum vitae that the jury considers to be of scientific merit, research capacity and the value of the pedagogical activity already developed compatible with the disciplinary area for which the competition is open and appropriate to the respective category of Assistant Professor, by the provisions of Article 10 of Chapter III of the Regulamento;

b) Presenting a Pedagogical Project for a curricular unit or units of the Groups of Architecture Curricular Units of the 1st or 2nd cycles within the Disciplinary Area for which this competition is open. The Pedagogical Project, as a critical synthesis, must emphasise the necessary capabilities for the adequate exercise of the Assistant Professor’s functions in the Disciplinary Area for which the competition is open; and

c) Presenting a Scientific Project that demonstrates the necessary capacity to carry out autonomous research within the scope of the Disciplinary Area for which the competition is open and the candidate’s previous work conclusively and unequivocally supports that.


Research Field

Internal Application form(s) needed
(334.88 KB - PDF)
Additional Information
Eligibility criteria

Competition admission requirements:

Candidates may apply if they meet all the following requirements:

1) Candidates must hold a doctoral degree in compliance with article 41.º-A of the ECDU.

1.1) Holders of a doctoral degree obtained abroad must have recognition of that degree per Decree-Law No. 66/2018, of August 16th, changed by Decree-Law No. 86/2023, of October 10th.

1.2) The recognition of the doctorate degree referred to above must be obtained before the deadline to sign the contract if the candidate ranked in an eligible position has obtained the doctoral degree abroad.

2) Proficiency in spoken and written Portuguese

2.1) Applicants of foreign nationality, with the exception of applicants from Portuguese-speaking countries, must demonstrate proficiency in spoken and written Portuguese at the common reference level B1. This requirement must be officially recognized through a certificate or diploma of communicative competence in Portuguese from the Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

2.2) If applicable, Applicants must meet the requirement referred to in 2.1) before the deadline to sign the contract.

Admission of candidates in absolute merit depends on the fulfilment of the following criteria, cumulatively:

a) Holders of a doctoral degree in Architecture, or in a related field of knowledge to the disciplinary area for which the competition is open, and that they have an overall curriculum vitae that the jury considers to be of scientific merit, research capacity and the value of the pedagogical activity already developed compatible with the disciplinary area for which the competition is open and appropriate to the respective category of Assistant Professor, by the provisions of Article 10 of Chapter III of the Regulamento;

b) Presenting a Pedagogical Project for a curricular unit or units of the Groups of Architecture Curricular Units of the 1st or 2nd cycles within the Disciplinary Area for which this competition is open. The Pedagogical Project, as a critical synthesis, must emphasise the necessary capabilities for the adequate exercise of the Assistant Professor’s functions in the Disciplinary Area for which the competition is open; and

c) Presenting a Scientific Project that demonstrates the necessary capacity to carry out autonomous research within the scope of the Disciplinary Area for which the competition is open and the candidate’s previous work conclusively and unequivocally supports that.

Additional comments

Applications must be submitted exclusively via the Lisbon School of Architecture electronic application platform on the site dedicated to this competition until the 23:59:59 hours (Lisbon time) of deadline for submission of apllications, which is the 30th working day after the publication of this notice in the Diário da República. Applications sent by email or any other means will not be accepted. It is the candidate's responsibility to correctly insert all the information requested in this Notice on the platform. The platform is available at the following address:

Website for additional job details

Work Location(s)
Number of offers available
Lisbon School of Architecture of the Universidade de Lisboa
Postal Code
Rua Sá Nogueira - Pólo Universitário do Alto da Ajuda

Where to apply




Rua Sá Nogueira - Alto da Ajuda
Postal Code


[email protected]


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