External call of international selection for recruitment of one assistant researchers in the...

Updated: almost 2 years ago
Job Type: FullTime
Deadline: 21 Jul 2022


1 - Title


2 - Offer description

Pursuant to:

  • The Contract-Programme of the Tender Procedure for Institutional support, under articles 17, 19 and 28 of the Regulation of Scientific Employment (RSE), Regulation no. 607-A/2017 published in Diário da República (Official Gazette), 2nd. Series, no. 225, November 22, as it stands;
  • The deliberation of the Board of Directors of LNEC, I.P., dated 2022-01-07;
  • The publication of the deliberation (excerpt) no. 312/2022, published in Diário da República, 2nd . Series, no. 50, dated 2022-03-11 on the appointment and composition of the tender selection panel and of the Declaration of Rectification no. 354/2022, published in Diário da República, 2nd Series, no. 81, dated 2022-04-27;

an external call of international selection is launched for recruitment of one assistant researcher in the scientific field of Water Resources and Hydraulic Works Engineering working under an employment contract in public functions of indeterminate duration and integrated in LNEC staff.

3 - Functional content

The assistant researcher shall be responsible for carrying out, on a regular basis, apart from the research and development activities defined in article 5 (1) of Decree-Law no. 124/99, other scientific and technical activities integrated in LNEC missions, in particular:

  • Supervising theses of students in higher education, namely at graduation, post-graduation, Master’s and doctoral levels;
  • Disseminating and publishing non-confidential results of her/his scientific and technical activity performed;
  • Carrying out the functions for which he/she has been elected or appointed and participating in the sessions of LNEC’s collegiate bodies.

4 - Researcher Profiles

Assistant Researcher (R3)

5 - Research fields

Water Resources and Hydraulic Works Engineering

6 - Type of Contract / Job Status

Employment contract in public functions of indeterminate duration

7 - Application Deadline / Time zone

30 working days as from the date of publication in Diário da República

8 – Project reference

Tender Procedure Contract-Programme for Institutional support under articles 17, 19 and 28 of the Regulation of Scientific Employment (RSE)

9 - How to apply

The candidates must complete the application form available in the Recruitment page, on LNEC’s website, with clear indication of the reference to the competition/scientific field of application, and enclosing the following documents:

  • Curriculum vitae;
  • Copy of supporting documents of the academic and professional qualifications.

The candidates holding a doctoral degree awarded by foreign higher education institutions shall present a supporting document recognizing that degree as comparable to the ones awarded by the Portuguese universities, in compliance with the provisions of Decree-Law no. 66/2018, dated 16 August, and Dispatch no. 33/2019, 25 January, subsequently amended and republished in annex to Dispatch no. 43/2020, 14 February.

  • Originals or copies of all publications written by the candidate or produced in joint-authorship, mentioned in the curriculum vitae, in digital format (pdf files); should the presentation of these documents be impossible in this format, these shall be delivered on paper;

The candidates from LNEC’s staff are exempted from producing the documents they claim to be and are actually included in their personal file.

The applications can be:

  • Submitted by registered letter, with acknowledgement of receipt, bearing the following information on the outside: “Concurso para recrutamento de investigador(a) auxiliar na área científica de Engenharia de Recursos Hídricos e Obras Hidráulicas”, addressed to LNEC, I.P., Avenida do Brasil, n. º 101, 1700-066 Lisboa, the date of delivery considered for the purpose of compliance with the stipulated time limit being the date of registration.
  • Delivered directly to the Setor de Arquivo e Expediente Geral of LNEC, at the same address, from 09:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and between 02:00 p.m. and 05:30 p.m. on working days.

Sent by electronic mail to [email protected] until the end of the stipulated time limit.


10 – Organisation / Working location

Hosting institution: LNEC – Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, I.P.

Avenida do Brasil, 101 – 1700-066 Lisboa

Country: Portugal

Website: https://www.lnec.pt

Email: [email protected]

The research activities shall be carried out at the

Hydraulics and Environment Department, without prejudice to the possibility of carrying out activities in other units and of performing temporary missions in Portugal or abroad.


11 - Main Research Field / Level

General requirements (article 17 of the LTFP):

Special requirements – holding a doctoral degree in the scientific field of Water Resources and Hydraulic Works Engineering or in a scientific field deemed as related by the Scientific Board, or also in another field but with relevant scientific curriculum in this scientific field (article 10, (1), Decree-Law no. 124/99).

The candidates must be proficient (both spoken and written) in Portuguese language.


12 - Benefits

The basic remuneration, if not entitled to a higher one, corresponds to level 54 of the TRU (Single Salary Scale) (€ 3 248,27 or € 2 165,51, depending on whether the functions are carried out under exclusive dedication or on a full-time basis).

The working conditions and the social benefits are the ones generally in force for Civil Servants working under an employment contract in public functions of indeterminate duration.

13 - Eligibility criteria

The candidates must state the scientific area in which they are integrated. As per the provisions of paragraph j), (2), of article 24 of Decree-Law no. 124/99, and as refers to the candidates holding a degree in a scientific area different from the one included in the present notice, their applications will be admitted if the candidates produce evidence that, at the time of application, they have requested the Scientific board of this National Laboratory to either consider their degree, for the purposes of this competition, as qualification in a related scientific field to Water Resources and Hydraulic Works Engineering, or to consider the time of service provided in a certain scientific field as service provided in an area related to the said field.

The tender selection panel has the prerogative to require either the body or service where the candidate has carried out or still carries out her/his functions, or the very candidate, to provide the professional or academic information judged as relevant.

14 – Tender selection panel


Principal Researcher Laura Maria Mello Saraiva Caldeira, President of the board of Directors


Associate Professor Rui Miguel Lage Ferreira, IST/UL

Associate Professor Rita Maurício Rodrigues Rosa, FCT/UNL

Senior Researcher with Habilitation Maria Helena Veríssimo Colaço Alegre, DHA/ LNEC;

Senior Researcher with Habilitation Teresa Barbosa Eira Leitão de Lobo Ferreira, DHA/ LNEC.

15 - Selection process

The competition shall be based on the evaluation of the candidates’ curriculum vitae and scientific work and shall be ranked in a 0 to 20 scale.

The evaluation and weighing criteria to be used in the competition, as well as the final score system, including the corresponding classification formula, shall be included in the minutes of the selection panel of the competition, which shall be made available to the candidates at request.

The lists of admitted and excluded applicants, as well as the final score of the competition, after approval, shall be notified and affixed in a visible and public place of LNEC campus and published on the website of the institution in the Recrutamento (Recruitment) page.

16 - Interview

With a view to obtain further information or clarification regarding the elements included in the candidates’ curricula, the evaluation mentioned in the previous paragraph can be complemented by an interview, which will neither constitute a selection method nor will it be ranked.

17 - Additional comments

The present competition is subject to the provisions of Decree-Law nº 124/99, 20 April, Lei Geral do Trabalho em Funções Públicas (LTFP) (Labor code in public functions) approved by Law no. 35/2014, 20 June, in its current version, and additionally by Dispatch no. 125-A/2019, 30 April.

  • Equal opportunities policy

In compliance with paragraph h) of article 9 of the Portuguese Constitution, the Portuguese Public Administration actively promotes a policy of equal opportunities to both men and women in the access to work and career advancement, scrupulously ensuring that any form of discrimination is rejected.

According to article 3, (3) of the Decree-Law no. 29/2001, February 3, the disabled candidates with equal classification have preference right, which prevails over any other legal preference.

The candidates must declare on oath, in the application form, the respective degree and type of disability, and shall also mention the means of communication/expression to be used in the selection process.

This public notice has been prepared by the selection panel of the competition. It has been sent for publication in Diário da República, and publicised in Bolsa de Emprego Público (www.bep.gov.pt ), on LNEC’s website and on the internet portal EURAXESS, in English language.

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