Researcher, ING-IND/34 – Bioingegneria Industriale

Updated: almost 2 years ago
Deadline: 01 Aug 2022

Number of positions: 1

Ruolo: Ricercatore a tempo determinate ex art. 24, comma 3, lettera b), l.240/2010

Dipartimento e sede prevalente di lavoro: Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e dell'Informazione - Bari

Sector of competition: 09/G2 - Bioingegneria

Scientific Disciplinary Sector: ING-IND/34 – Bioingegneria Industriale

Titolo del progetto: Multisensory human-machine interfaces for advanced robot-assisted therapy applications.

Idea progettuale: The research program will mainly focus on the following activities:

- Design and development of human-machine interfaces for the real-time control, even remotely, of robotic systems for therapy that provide haptic and visual stimuli (e.g. systems for robotic surgery);

- Design and development of systems that enable the interoperability of user interfaces in advanced assisted therapy applications; Design and implementation of procedures for the assessment of the usability and physical and cognitive ergonomics of the implemented solutions also through the use of analysis and modeling tools of physiological systems;

- Design and analysis of techniques for the evaluation of technology, devices and robots adopted in the clinical-health field. 

Campo principale di ricerca: Engineering

Sotto-campo di ricerca: Biomedical Engineering

Dettagli dell’impegno di ricerca (obiettivi della produttività scientifica e relative caratteristiche qualitative): The research must produce new results in the field of bioengineering, supported by a significant number of publications on top-rank international journals and international conference proceedings.

Dettagli dell’impegno didattico: The researcher will be required to teach no less than 6 CFU. Subjects will belong to the SSD ING-IND/34.

Attività di didattica e di didattica integrativa: The selected researcher will be involved in teaching activities on subjects related to the Industrial Bioengineering field in Undergraduate, Master of Science and PhD courses within the framework of the Department course plan.

Servizio agli studenti: Teaching assistance also in thesis projects and internships

Codice int. procedura:RUTDb.DEI.22.06

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