CSIRO Postdoctoral Fellowship in Genome Data Informatics for Newborn Screening

Updated: 1 day ago

  • 3-year postdoctoral role for an early career researcher with a PhD in bioinformatics, computer science or data science
  • Be part of the largest eHealth research group in Australia helping deliver innovation to the health system
  • Join the Australian e-health Research Centre (AEHRC) and be part of Australia's newborn screening population program

CSIRO Early Research Career (CERC) Postdoctoral Fellowships provide opportunities to scientists and engineers who have completed their doctorate and have less than three years of relevant postdoctoral work experience. These fellowships aim to develop the next generation of future leaders of the innovation system.

The Australian e-health research centre (AEHRC) is CSIRO’s digital health research unit delivering innovation to the health system. It is the largest eHealth research group in Australia with more than 100 research scientists working with clinicians and industry to identify the clinical and/or health challenges. AEHRC is worldwide and unique in covering the full value chain from basic science through to clinical application and assessing their impacts on Australian and international health systems.

Within the AEHRC, the charter of the Transformational Bioinformatics Group is to develop novel bioinformatics solutions for research and industry using the latest developments in cloud and BigData infrastructure.

The CERC Fellow will join AEHRC and collaborate closely with external collaborators (including the NSW Health Pathology and commercial entities) to innovate and evaluate new technology (e.g., genomic sequencing) for the detection of more preventable childhood diseases and enable the rapid addition of new diseases in newborn and neonatal screening programs. However, the inclusion of genetic information, the most personally identifiable information, necessitates robust privacy and security solutions and innovative approaches to informed consent. Therefore, the CERC Fellow will aid in developing novel approaches for dynamic consent and building engineering solutions around this, among other aspects of genome informatics for the research program. 

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