PhD Studentship: Investigating the Properties of Active Black Holes in Interacting Galaxies

Updated: about 5 hours ago
Location: Southampton, ENGLAND
Job Type: FullTime
Deadline: 31 Aug 2024

Supervisory Team: Sandra Raimundo

Project description

Supermassive black holes need gas to grow and power their activity. How the gas is transported all the way from the galaxy to the black hole is still a topic of research, but we have recently found evidence that interactions between galaxies can provide this gas. The reason why this is important, is because when black holes are active, the so called ‘Active Galactic Nuclei’ or AGN, they can release a copious amount of energy into their surroundings, possibly affecting the galaxy in which they are hosted.

In this project the student will investigate the properties of active supermassive black holes in galaxies with past interactions. The student will use state-of-the-art observational data (integral field spectroscopy, or 3D data cubes) of galaxies to: 1) determine the past history of black hole activity, to establish a timeline for the onset of AGN; 2) search for evidence for more than one supermassive black hole in galaxies with interactions.

If you wish to discuss any details of the project informally, please contact Sandra Raimundo, Astronomy Research Group, Email: [email protected]

Entry Requirements

A very good undergraduate degree (at least a UK 2:1 honours degree, or its international equivalent).

Closing date : 31 August 2024.  Applications will be considered in the order that they are received, the position will be considered filled when a suitable candidate has been identified.

Funding: Funding for tuition fees and a living stipend are available on a competitive basis. Funding will be awarded on a rolling basis, so apply early for the best opportunity to be considered.

How To Apply

Apply online: Search for a Postgraduate Programme of Study ( . Select programme type (Research), 2024/25, Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences, next page select “PhD Physics (Full time)”. In Section 2 of the application form you should insert the name of the supervisor Sandra Raimundo

Applications should include:

Research Proposal

Curriculum Vitae

Two reference letters

Degree Transcripts/Certificates to date

For further information please contact: [email protected]

The School of Physics is committed to promoting equality, diversity inclusivity as demonstrated by our Athena SWAN award. We welcome all applicants regardless of their gender, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation or age, and will give full consideration to applicants seeking flexible working patterns and those who have taken a career break. The University has a generous maternity policy, onsite childcare facilities, and offers a range of benefits to help ensure employees’ well-being and work-life balance. The University of Southampton is committed to sustainability and has been awarded the Platinum EcoAward.