PhD Climate impact of future novel aircraft engine technology

Updated: almost 2 years ago
Deadline: 05 Aug 2022

Aviation is a strong and growing sector that guarantees long-range mobility. However, it also contributes significantly to climate change. Emissions from aircraft increase the atmospheric concentrations of e.g., carbon dioxide, ozone, and water vapour. Another very important effect is the formation of contrails, which contribute to climate change. First results indicate that a slight re-routing and avoiding regions with warming contrail formation, significantly reduce aviation’s contribution to climate change.

Your work will be part of the European project Minimal, which aims to develop technology in air transportation to reduce the climate impact of aviation substantially. You will investigate the climate impact of developed aircraft engine technologies with appropriate approaches (e.g., climate response model or earth system model).

Your research includes active discussions with the European project partners to develop further an open climate response model allowing the evaluation of climate effects from various technologies. This part of your work will also contribute to a DLR internal project developing an open-access climate response model. Furthermore, using the model, you will analyze in-depth the simulated atmospheric response with respect to contrails, chemical composition due to NOx, and carbon dioxide, providing feedback to the engine integration in optimizing climate impact.

The candidate should have a Master's degree in an area relevant to the subject, e.g. atmospheric sciences, (applied) physics, (applied) chemistry,  aerospace engineering, or mathematics. A combination of good mathematical/analytical skills and advanced programming skills with a strong interest in interdisciplinary work is advantageous for this position

Doing a PhD at TU Delft requires English proficiency at a certain level to ensure that the candidate is able to communicate and interact well, participate in English-taught Doctoral Education courses, and write scientific articles and a final thesis. For more details please check the Graduate Schools Admission Requirements.

Doctoral candidates will be offered a 4-year period of employment in principle, but in the form of 2 employment contracts. An initial 1,5 year contract with an official go/no go progress assessment within 15 months. Followed by an additional contract for the remaining 2,5 years assuming everything goes well and performance requirements are met.

Salary and benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities, increasing from € 2.541,00 per month in the first year to € 3.247,00 in the fourth year. As a PhD candidate you will be enrolled in the TU Delft Graduate School. The TU Delft Graduate School provides an inspiring research environment with an excellent team of supervisors, academic staff and a mentor. The Doctoral Education Programme is aimed at developing your transferable, discipline-related and research skills.

The TU Delft offers a customisable compensation package, discounts on health insurance and sport memberships, and a monthly work costs contribution. Flexible work schedules can be arranged. For international applicants we offer the Coming to Delft Service and Partner Career Advice to assist you with your relocation.

Delft University of Technology is built on strong foundations. As creators of the world-famous Dutch waterworks and pioneers in biotech, TU Delft is a top international university combining science, engineering and design. It delivers world class results in education, research and innovation to address challenges in the areas of energy, climate, mobility, health and digital society. For generations, our engineers have proven to be entrepreneurial problem-solvers, both in business and in a social context. At TU Delft we embrace diversity and aim to be as inclusive as possible (see our Code of Conduct). Together, we imagine, invent and create solutions using technology to have a positive impact on a global scale.

Challenge. Change. Impact!

The Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at Delft University of Technology is one of the world’s most highly ranked (and most comprehensive) research, education and innovation communities devoted entirely to aerospace engineering. More than 200 science staff, around 250 PhD candidates and over 2,700 BSc and MSc students apply aerospace engineering disciplines to address the global societal challenges that threaten us today, climate change without doubt being the most important. Our focal subjects: sustainable aerospace, big data and artificial intelligence, bio-inspired engineering and smart instruments and systems. Working at the faculty means working together. With partners in other faculties, knowledge institutes, governments and industry, both aerospace and non-aerospace. Working in field labs and innovation hubs on our university campus and beyond.

Click here to go to the website of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering.

The mission of the Department of Control and Operations is to improve the safety and efficiency of operations in aerospace and to reduce the impact on the environment. The department comprises three sections: Control and Simulation, which focuses on the development of advanced automatic control systems (including the role of the human operator), Air Transport Operations, which aims to improve operational performance in terms of capacity, safety and economy, and Aircraft Noise and Climate Effects, which focuses on reducing aircraft noise, emissions and the effects of aviation on climate change.      

Are you interested in this vacancy? Please apply before  5 August 2022 via the application button and upload your motivation a detailed CV, 3 reference contacts, proof of English language level and copies of your BSc and MSc degrees and transcripts along with a motivation letter.

  • A pre-employment screening can be part of the selection procedure.
  • You can apply online. We will not process applications sent by email and/or post.
  • Acquisition in response to this vacancy is not appreciated.

For more information about this vacancy Dr. Feijia Yin, Assistant professor, email : [email protected], tel: +31(0)152783953

Aviation is a strong and growing sector that guarantees long-range mobility. However, it also contributes significantly to climate change. Emissions from aircraft increase the atmospheric concentrations of e.g., carbon dioxide, ozone, and water vapour. Another very important effect is the formation of contrails, which contribute to climate change. First results indicate that a slight re-routing and avoiding regions with warming contrail formation, significantly reduce aviation’s contribution to climate change.

Your work will be part of the European project Minimal, which aims to develop technology in air transportation to reduce the climate impact of aviation substantially. You will investigate the climate impact of developed aircraft engine technologies with appropriate approaches (e.g., climate response model or earth system model).

Your research includes active discussions with the European project partners to develop further an open climate response model allowing the evaluation of climate effects from various technologies. This part of your work will also contribute to a DLR internal project developing an open-access climate response model. Furthermore, using the model, you will analyze in-depth the simulated atmospheric response with respect to contrails, chemical composition due to NOx, and carbon dioxide, providing feedback to the engine integration in optimizing climate impact.

The candidate should have a Master's degree in an area relevant to the subject, e.g. atmospheric sciences, (applied) physics, (applied) chemistry,  aerospace engineering, or mathematics. A combination of good mathematical/analytical skills and advanced programming skills with a strong interest in interdisciplinary work is advantageous for this position

Doing a PhD at TU Delft requires English proficiency at a certain level to ensure that the candidate is able to communicate and interact well, participate in English-taught Doctoral Education courses, and write scientific articles and a final thesis. For more details please check the Graduate Schools Admission Requirements.

Doctoral candidates will be offered a 4-year period of employment in principle, but in the form of 2 employment contracts. An initial 1,5 year contract with an official go/no go progress assessment within 15 months. Followed by an additional contract for the remaining 2,5 years assuming everything goes well and performance requirements are met.

Salary and benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities, increasing from € 2.541,00 per month in the first year to € 3.247,00 in the fourth year. As a PhD candidate you will be enrolled in the TU Delft Graduate School. The TU Delft Graduate School provides an inspiring research environment with an excellent team of supervisors, academic staff and a mentor. The Doctoral Education Programme is aimed at developing your transferable, discipline-related and research skills.

The TU Delft offers a customisable compensation package, discounts on health insurance and sport memberships, and a monthly work costs contribution. Flexible work schedules can be arranged. For international applicants we offer the Coming to Delft Service and Partner Career Advice to assist you with your relocation.

Delft University of Technology is built on strong foundations. As creators of the world-famous Dutch waterworks and pioneers in biotech, TU Delft is a top international university combining science, engineering and design. It delivers world class results in education, research and innovation to address challenges in the areas of energy, climate, mobility, health and digital society. For generations, our engineers have proven to be entrepreneurial problem-solvers, both in business and in a social context. At TU Delft we embrace diversity and aim to be as inclusive as possible (see our Code of Conduct). Together, we imagine, invent and create solutions using technology to have a positive impact on a global scale.

Challenge. Change. Impact!

The Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at Delft University of Technology is one of the world’s most highly ranked (and most comprehensive) research, education and innovation communities devoted entirely to aerospace engineering. More than 200 science staff, around 250 PhD candidates and over 2,700 BSc and MSc students apply aerospace engineering disciplines to address the global societal challenges that threaten us today, climate change without doubt being the most important. Our focal subjects: sustainable aerospace, big data and artificial intelligence, bio-inspired engineering and smart instruments and systems. Working at the faculty means working together. With partners in other faculties, knowledge institutes, governments and industry, both aerospace and non-aerospace. Working in field labs and innovation hubs on our university campus and beyond.

Click here to go to the website of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering.

The mission of the Department of Control and Operations is to improve the safety and efficiency of operations in aerospace and to reduce the impact on the environment. The department comprises three sections: Control and Simulation, which focuses on the development of advanced automatic control systems (including the role of the human operator), Air Transport Operations, which aims to improve operational performance in terms of capacity, safety and economy, and Aircraft Noise and Climate Effects, which focuses on reducing aircraft noise, emissions and the effects of aviation on climate change.      

Are you interested in this vacancy? Please apply before  5 August 2022 via the application button and upload your motivation a detailed CV, 3 reference contacts, proof of English language level and copies of your BSc and MSc degrees and transcripts along with a motivation letter.

  • A pre-employment screening can be part of the selection procedure.
  • You can apply online. We will not process applications sent by email and/or post.
  • Acquisition in response to this vacancy is not appreciated.

For more information about this vacancy Dr. Feijia Yin, Assistant professor, email : [email protected], tel: +31(0)152783953

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