VLIR-UOS International Training Programmes (ITP short-term programmes) and VLIRUOS International Course Programmes (ICP master programmes)

Updated: about 19 hours ago

Master programmes
International Training Program (ITP)

VLIR-UOS finances International Training Programmes (ITP).

These are short-term training programmes, lasting one to four months.

The International Training Programmes are designed for people from developing countries with a certain degree of professional experience.

They aim at transferring knowledge and skills, and create the possibility for cooperation and networking.

Check the country list used for scholarships.

International Course Programme (ICP)

The International Course Programme (ICP) finances study programmes at Flemish Universities.

These courses, which result in the diploma master after bachelor, can also be attended by students with other financial means.

Research Back Packs
International Foundation for Science (IFS)

IFS supports young developing country scientists who have the potential for becoming the future research leaders and lead scientists in their nations. IFS helps young researchers with the start of their career and helps them to receive national and international recognition.

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