1,385 phd-position positions in Australia

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  • Monash University | Australia | about 4 hours ago

    . These projects have a heavy emphasis on fostering the computational and research skills necessary to successfully either undertake a future PhD project or transition to industry. This work will include experiments

  • Monash University | Australia | about 3 hours ago

    Fellowship at LMU Munich, and a postdoc position at RMIT University. My nanophotonics research seeks to uncover the underlying physics in structured light-matter interactions at nanoscale. We aim to develop

  • Monash University | Australia | about 3 hours ago

    I am interested in all aspects of theoretical astrophysics, with a particular focus on strong gravitational fields, compact objects, and gravitational-wave astronomy.  I am currently  exploring the evolution of massive binary stars into compact binaries as sources of gravitational-waves and...

  • Monash University | Australia | about 3 hours ago

    I supervise a wide range of projects in gravitational-wave astronomy. This work is carried out within the Centre of Excellence for Gravitational-wave Discovery: OzGrav. As a member of my team, you will have the opportunity to interact with gravitational-wave researchers throughout Australia and...

  • Monash University | Australia | 4 days ago

    I supervise a wide range of projects in experimental particle physics.                  This work is carried out within the international collaboration: COMET (COherent Muont-to-Electron Transition).                  As a member of my team, you will have the opportunity to interact with...

  • Monash University | Australia | about 4 hours ago

    I work on a wide range of topics with my local group and in collaboration with numerous members of three large international collaborations.  The main focus of my work is understanding how the observed pattern of fundamental particles and forces emerged, using information carried by...

  • Monash University | Australia | about 4 hours ago

    My work focuses on experimental research in quantum sensing and quantum microscopy using the nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centre in diamond. In particular, we are interested in applying quantum sensing for examining and imaging the magnetic fields from exotic conducting materials (e.g. superconductors,...

  • Monash University | Australia | about 3 hours ago

    Glasses are a mystery that confounds modern condensed matter physics, yet disordered, glassy assemblies form from particles at many length sclaes (granules, colloids, atoms). My research aims to uncover the role of structure in the glass transition and how the disordered structure of a glass...

  • Monash University | Australia | about 3 hours ago

    College London. I graduated in Applied Physics from Caltech, and have held academic positions at the University of Bath, Imperial College London, and the University of Munich. In March 2022 I joined Monash

  • Monash University | Australia | about 3 hours ago

    Nowadays astronomers have detected more than 5000 exoplanets with ground and space telescopes. However, it is still under debate whether these planets imprint chemical signatures onto their host stars and whether the potential planet signatures can be associated with the diversity of planetary...

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