Senior Assistant Manager / Technical Officer (Applied Research Spaces - Wet Labs)

Updated: 3 days ago
Job Type: Contract
Deadline: 30 Nov 2024

At Professional Officers Division (POD), we bring our rich industry experience and technical skills into our work, creating a better physical environment where learning and innovation take place. We work with teaching programmes and innovation projects to improve the skills of our students and strengthen our industry and the wider community. The Technical Officer supports laboratory operation and laboratory maintenance; ensuring laboratories are safe and in conducive condition for laboratory research and education activities.


Key Responsibilities

1.    Laboratory Operations:

1.1.  Laboratory Space Allocation:

a.    Evaluate the physical layout and infrastructure of the laboratory to determine the space suitability for the intended projects.

b.    Optimise space usage by enhancing layout, including equipment arrangement within the laboratory and assess the potential technical requirements for the space and equipment.

c.     Work with ARO and Faculty Lab-in-Charge on space allocation recommendations to Vice President (Applied Research) based on the assessments conducted in points a and b.

d.    Support the review of space-related change requests including space usage extension and additional space needs.

e.    Assist Project Investigators (PI) and project team in setting up and configuring equipment or instrumentation, and in vacating the space upon project completion.

f.      Maintain accurate records of space assignments, utilization, and changes and ensuring timely updates to the research space inventory database.

g.    Liaise with Estates to grant lab users access to laboratories upon approval.

2.    Laboratory Maintenance:

2.1.  Establish, maintain, and update a repository of standard operating procedures (SOPs), including risk assessments (RAs), and other essential documentation for the laboratory.

2.2.  Assist and support PIs and other lab users in setting up, maintaining, and executing proper maintenance protocols for laboratory equipment.

2.3.  Oversee the daily operations and upkeep of the laboratory, which include maintaining inventory lists of chemicals, licenses and permits, and waste management.

3.    Laboratory Safety:

3.1.  Ensure lab users adhere to safety protocols, regulations, and standards within the laboratory environment by collaborating with the POD Safety Team, PIs, and their respective project teams.

3.2.  Implement the requirements of the Lab Safety Management system, which include:

a.    conducting regular safety inspections;

b.    confirming user lab safety training;

c.     implementing safety procedures; and

d.    identifying opportunities for improvement.

3.3.  Mitigate potential risks by assessing User risk assessments and supporting PIs in implementing risk controls.


Job Requirements

  • With at least 5 years of work experience in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering labs.
  • Have a minimum Undergraduate Degree in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering or equivalent qualification.
  • Experience in managing chemicals inventories.
  • Familiar with chemical engineering processes.
  • Have practical knowledge of safety and license requirements for the operation of the laboratory.

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