International Consortium Mobility Officer at the Donders Centre for Cognition

Updated: about 2 months ago
Deadline: tomorrow

The EU Twinning Project MEDAL Consortium (Methodological Excellence in Data Driven Approaches in Linguistics) is looking for a scholar with a linguistic research and methodology background to help coordinate the mobility aspect of the Consortium. MEDAL is a 3-year international consortium (January 2023-January 2026) between the University of Tartu, University of Birmingham, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics and Radboud University. It aims to bring together researchers and train ECRs (PhD candidates, postdoctoral researchers) in methods such as corpus-based linguistics and experimental and computational methods, and in diverse languages and modalities (e.g. speech, gesture and sign). To do so, it aims to organise summer schools, training modules, workshops and visiting scholar schemes across the four sites to facilitate the transfer of knowledge between the institutes and initiate cross-disciplinary projects.

As International Consortium Mobility Officer, you will be able to participate in the research environments of multimodal language research groups, such as Prof. Asli Ozyurek's PI Group on Multimodal Language and Cognition at the Donders Centre of Cognition and Dr Judith Holler's Communication in Social Interaction research group, based at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, as well as the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics.

You will help Consortium members at the four sites exchange information within and outside the consortium. The aim is to facilitate participation in network events from each institution, foster individually tailored research training and access to joint student supervision and mentoring, collaboration in research, and conference participation. You will also help promote the Consortium's international visibility and its impact with regard to these aspects.

Your responsibilities will involve setting up a scheme to distribute funding for mobility for guest lectures, workshop presentations, short- term collaborative research visits and collaborative student mentoring visits between partner institutes, and joint conference/workshop participation. To this end, you will establish formal requirements and create an application and selection criteria process for distributing relevant funding, maintain informational web pages about mobility funding schemes and how to apply, and manage a calendar for scheduling events, deadlines, etc. You will also be able to make selections in the requirements using diversity rules.

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