Evert Willem Beth Foundation

Updated: 1 day ago
Deadline: Status: closed

Evert Willem Beth Foundation
  • All disciplines
  • Humanities

Researchers may apply for a grant to cover expenses associated with research, study trips, translation or the organization of scientific meetings with a maximum of EUR 3,000. Applications for a grant must concern research focused on modern logic, philosophy of science, history of logic, history of the philosophy of science or scientific philosophy in general. 

This year, the E.W. Beth foundation aims to grant proposals with innovative ideas that have the most impact for both the applicant and the goals of the E.W. Beth Foundation.  

Apply:Status: closed
  • Guidelines E.W. Beth Grants 2024

Subject areas
  • Modern logic
  • Philosophy of science
  • History of logic
  • History of the philosophy of science
  • Scientific philosophy in general

For whom?

Applications for a grant can be submitted by all researchers who are Dutch nationals and/or who are working at or affiliated with a university or research institution in the Netherlands.

Sustainable travel

The KNAW values sustainability and promotes sustainable travel. We strongly recommend choosing environmentally friendly transport options over air travel whenever possible. Download the Sustainable Travel Policy KNAW (PDF) . We also encourage making more sustainable choices in all aspects of the activities for which you apply for funding, such as the conscious use of materials, catering and means of communication.

About the Evert Willem Beth Foundation

The Evert Willem Beth Foundation was established in 1978 pursuant to the will of Ms Cornelia Beth-Pastoor. The Foundation’s aim is to continue and extend the work of the Dutch logician Evert Willem Beth. It encourages philosophical research and the teaching of philosophy by organising symposiums and lectures and providing funding.

Since 2001, the Foundation has financed the E.W. Beth Dissertation Prize for outstanding PhD dissertations in logic, language and information, awarded by the Association for Logic, Language and Information (FoLLI).


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