Assistant Professor(Division of Materials Science and Engineering)

Updated: 24 days ago
Deadline: 19 Jul 2024

9 May 2024
Job Information

Hokkaido University
Research Field

Researcher Profile

Recognised Researcher (R2)
Established Researcher (R3)

Application Deadline

19 Jul 2024 - 23:59 (UTC)
Type of Contract

Job Status

Not Applicable
Hours Per Week

See description
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?

Not funded by an EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?


Offer Description

[Background of the recruitment and description of the project]
* Background of the recruitment and description of the project
The Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University invites applications for the academic position of assistant professor according to the following description.

[Work content and job description]
〔Research Area〕
Research fields related to surface finishing of metallic materials based on electrochemistry. You may conduct research and education on the fabrication of novel metallic materials via experiments and numerical analysis of electrochemical processes, such as anodizing and electroplating.

(Immediately after employment)
Duties as a Faculty/Course committee member, etc.
Participate in Departmental, Faculty, Course and/or University service activities.
(Scope of changes)
Duties as determined by the University

〔Scope of Work〕
1. Teaching Duties
Graduate courses on exercises for materials science and engineering in Japanese and English (Division of Materials Science and Engineering).
Undergraduate courses on lectures, exercises, and experiments for materials engineering in Japanese and English (Course of Materials Engineering, Department of Applied Science and Engineering in Engineering School) & exercises and experiments for fundamental engineering education and general education.

2. Supervising Duties
Assistance for thesis supervision for undergraduate and graduate students.

* Assigned department
Existing departments

[Work location]
* Address
060-8628 Hokkaido Kita 13, Nishi 8, Kita-ku, Sapporo Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University

[Number of hired]
Number of hired:1 person(s)
Hiring date:2024-10-01 00:00:00
Starting date:2024-10-01 00:00:00
Job content supplemental explanation:October 1st,2024,or as soon as possible after this date

Additional Information

Annual salary:4 million yen
Wages description:The salary will be determined in accordance with the regulations of Hokkaido University
Working hours:08:30-17:00
Holidays :Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and year-end and New Year holidays (12/29 - 1/3)
Overtime and other explanations:Overtime and other explanations: Discretionary work routine based on consent (standard 8:30-17:00, Deemed to have worked 7 hours and 45 minutes in a day.) or fixed working hour system
Break time 45 minutes
Employment type:Regular employee
Contract period:Nontenured
Contract period description:5 years (tenure track position may be appointed after an evaluation before this five-year term ends).
Probationary period:Probationary period present
Probationary period description:Three months

[Various systems]
Pay increase system:available
Retirement allowances:available.Resignation/retirement lump sum will be determined in accordance with the regulations of Hokkaido University
Transportation expenses:available.Commuting Allowance will be determined in accordance with the regulations of Hokkaido University
Retirement age:available.The age of mandatory retirement will be determined in accordance with the regulations of Hokkaido University

Employees' Health Insurance:available(Mutual Association of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and  Technology)
Employees' Pension Insurance:available
Worker's accident insurance:available
Employment insurance:available

[Measures for preventing passive smoking at the workplace]
Smoking in designated areas only

[Supplementary explanation of compensation]

Additional comments

The requested documents should be submitted using the following method:
Via the upload link of JREC-IN Portal ( ).
Applicants should submit all materials in PDF files via the JREC-IN Portal website.

Work Location(s)
Number of offers available
Hokkaido University

Where to apply




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