Postdoc: Strain Free All Heusler Alloy Junctions (Experimental)

Updated: 21 days ago
Location: Dresden, SACHSEN

Description of the offer :

The Department of Topological Quantum Chemistry at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids (MPI CPfS) in Dresden, headed by Prof. Dr. Claudia Felser performs cutting-edge research on advanced topological materials, with a focus on both funda­men­tal and application-oriented perspectives. We are seeking a highly motivated and talented Postdoctoral Researcher (f/m/d) to join our dynamic research team in the field of spintronic materials and devices. Topic: Strain Free All Heusler Alloy Junctions (SAHAJ) – Experimental Research To experimentally conduct individual and collaborative research projects, duties to include: thin film and junction analysis and interpretation of research data; use of appropriate research techniques and methods; writing up of research results and dissemination through publications, seminar and conference presentations. To conduct research under the supervision of Prof. Hirohata and to contribute to the production of research.