Post-doctoral position: Study of Natural Killer’s cytotoxicity mechanisms against tumor cells

Updated: 23 days ago
Location: Old Montreal, QUEBEC
Job Type: FullTime
Deadline: 22 Jun 2024

24 May 2024
Job Information

CHU Sainte-Justine
Research Field

Medical sciences
Biological sciences » Biology
Biological sciences » Biological engineering
Researcher Profile

Recognised Researcher (R2)
Leading Researcher (R4)
First Stage Researcher (R1)
Established Researcher (R3)

Application Deadline

22 Jun 2024 - 22:00 (UTC)
Type of Contract

Job Status

Offer Starting Date

3 Sep 2024
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?

Not funded by an EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?


Offer Description

Description du projet de recherche
Un poste de stagiaire post-doctoral est disponible immédiatement. Le projet de recherche proposé porte sur la biologie des cellules Natural Killer (NK), plus particulièrement sur la compréhension des mécanismes de cytotoxicité vis-à-vis des cellules tumorales, incluant de nouvelles voies d’activation. Ce projet tentera d’identifier les voies de signalisation impliquées en utilisant des techniques de pointe comme les librairies CRISPR sur les cibles (cellules cancéreuses) et les effecteurs (NK), la compréhension des mécanismes et interactions moléculaires ainsi que l’analyse du métabolisme en diverses situations. Ce projet combine de la biologie moléculaire (modification génomique, production virale), de la biologie cellulaire (amplification des NK, essais de cytotoxicité par cytométrie en flux, confirmation des « hits ») ainsi que de la biochimie. L’étudiant.e se verra confier un projet de recherche qui lui permettra d’appliquer une approche de recherche translationnelle. Il/elle aura la possibilité de mener un projet qui aura un impact majeur sur notre compréhension de base des cellules NK. L’étudiant.e bénéficiera de l’expertise d’une équipe multidisciplinaire et d’un environnement de recherche stimulant. De plus, il/elle profitera des méthodes et des technologies de pointe dans le domaine.


Research project description
A Post-Doctoral position is currently open in the lab. The proposed research project focuses on the biology of Natural Killer (NK) cells, particularly on understanding the mechanisms of cytotoxicity towards tumor cells, including new activation pathways. This project will attempt to identify the signaling pathways involved in tumor cell killing using cutting-edge techniques such as CRISPR libraries on targets (cancer cells) and effectors (NK), the understanding of molecular mechanisms and interactions as well as the analysis of metabolism in various situations. This project combines molecular biology (genomic modification, viral production), cellular biology (NK cell amplification, cytotoxicity tests by flow cytometry, confirmation of “hits” identified by CRISPR library) as well as biochemistry. The student will be entrusted with a research project which will allow them to apply a translational research approach. He/she will have the opportunity to lead a project that will have a major impact on our basic understanding of NK cells. The student will benefit from the expertise of a multidisciplinary team and a stimulating research environment. In addition, he/she will benefit from cutting-edge methods and technologies in the field.

Specific Requirements

Le candidat recherché doit :
§ Détenir un diplôme approprié pour le niveau demandé (PhD ou un M.Sc. avec un MD sans droit de pratique pour le stage post-doctoral) ainsi qu’un excellent dossier académique;

§  Faire preuve de motivation et d’autonomie pour mener à terme ce projet;

§  Posséder une solide connaissance en immunologie et ses techniques expérimentales (ex. :cytométrie en flux, biologie moléculaire);

§  Avoir de l’expérience en culture cellulaire (cellules primaires et transformées).

§  Avoir de bonnes habilités de communication et d’organisation;

§  Parler et rédiger en anglais.


Required training and profile

§  Hold an appropriate degree for the targeted level (PhD or M.Sc. with a MD degree without the right to practice for post-doctoral fellowship) and excellent academic record;

§  Demonstrate motivation and autonomy to bring this project to term;

§  Possess a strong knowledge in immunology and experimental techniques (eg. Flow cytometry, molecular biology);

§  Have experience with cell culture (primary and cell lines).

§  Have good communication and organization skills;

§  Established publication records

§  Speak and write in English.

§ Although University of Montreal and the CHU Sainte-Justine are french-speaking institution, it is not required that the candidate speaks and/or understand French.

Additional Information
Work Location(s)
Number of offers available
CHU Sainte-Justine

Where to apply



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