Master Thesis “Learning-Based Dynamic Motion Primitives for a Forestry Crane”

Updated: 1 day ago
Deadline: The position may have been removed or expired!


Austria's largest research and technology organisation

for applied research, we are dedicated to make substantial contributions to solving the major challenges of our time, climate change and digitisation. To achieve our goals, we rely on our specific research, development and technology competencies, which are the basis of our commitment to excellence in all areas. With our open culture of innovation and our motivated, international teams, we are working to position AIT as Austria's leading research institution at the highest international level and to make a positive contribution to the economy and society.


Center for Vision, Automation & Control

located in


invites applications for a

master’s thesis

. The Center for Vision, Automation & Control exploits the opportunities provided by automation and digitisation to initiate and advance innovation for industry, primarily in Austria and Europe. Our main goal is to take away the monotonous, heavy, difficult and dangerous aspects of people’s work through innovation. We help our partners by making technical systems more robust, reliable, flexible and easy to use. At the same time, we increase the resource efficiency of industrial processes by reducing waste, product failures and emissions.

Our Competence Unit

Complex Dynamical Systems

focuses on the development and deployment of algorithms to control various types of systems. Starting from low energy applications like electronics and drive systems, via (large-scale) robotics to heavy industrial applications. We are working in projects in cooperation with national and international research organisations and companies leading their market sector.

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