Uncle Henry and Bernadette Atkinson Indigenous Scholarship

Updated: 3 days ago
Location: Melbourne, VICTORIA
Deadline: The position may have been removed or expired!

Uncle Henry and Bernadette Atkinson Indigenous Scholarship

The Faculty of Education is offering the Uncle Henry and Bernadette Atkinson Indigenous Scholarship for Indigenous students wanting to study a Master of Education. This scholarship honours the significant dedication and achievements in education of Uncle Henry Atkinson , a Wollithiga man from Echuca and his daughter Bernadette Atkinson .


No application required

Number offered


See details

Ashley Paxton

Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business

Ashley Paxton: It eases the financial burden

As a scholarship recipient, I have peace of mind knowing that I won’t finish my degree under a mountain of debt.

Am I eligible?
You must be one of the following:
  • An Indigenous Australian

You must meet the following criteria:
  • Commencing student intending to enrol in one of the following degrees in the Faculty of Education at a Monash campus in Australia:
    • Master of Professional Psychology
    • Master of Counselling
    • Master of Education
  • You must have accepted your course offer and be enrolled in a full-time load.
  • To be eligible you must provide a Confirmation of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Heritage certificate or a certified Statutory Declaration form to the William Cooper Institute. This can be emailed to [email protected] . If you have any queries please contact the William Cooper Institute on 9905  9034.

  • Master of Professional Psychology
    • $32,200 paid towards tuition fees plus $20,000 cash per annum for up to two years.
  • Master of Counselling
    • $28,900 paid towards tuition fees plus $20,000 cash per annum for up to two years.
  • Master of Education
    • $25,500 paid towards tuition fees plus $20,000 cash per annum for up to two years.

Number offered

One scholarship available.

Selection criteria

Based on academic achievement

To retain this scholarship:

  • You must maintain full-time enrolment.
  • You must maintain academic performance as approved by the Faculty of Education throughout the course.

How to apply

  • No application is required. All eligible students will be automatically assessed.
  • This scholarship cannot be deferred.

Every scholarship may have a different application process – or none at all. Read the application details carefully and submit your application by the deadline. For more details, visit our scholarships application page .

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