7 PhD Scholarships in Agriculture Field at Massey University - Top University in New Zealand

The Massey University are looking for  first class honours or Masters students to undertake 7 PhD positions in Agriculture Study.

Deadline: all scholarships' deadline is 19 April 2013.


Part of Massey University's Albany Campus



One three-year PhD scholarship for full-time research is available. Total funding of $NZ 115,000 will be provided to cover stipend ($NZ 25,000 per year) fees and working expenses. Funding will be awarded on a competitive basis.


General Egibility (each scholarship may have more requirements):

Students must:

- be eligible to enrol in a recognised doctoral programme of study and research at Massey University;
- not work more than 10 hours per week in paid employment while in receipt of this scholarship;
- have supervisors/co-supervisors associated with both Gravida and Massey University


The 6 PhD projects are:

Project 1: PhD Scholarship in Embryo Growth to understanding early embryo growth. For enquires and submission of curriculum vitae, please contact Dr Sarah Pain ([email protected]).


Project 2: PhD Scholarship Mammary gland function to answer the question "Is altered mammary function driven by altered metabolism programmed in fetal life?". For enquires and submission of curriculum vitae, please contact Dr Sarah Pain ([email protected]).


Project 3: PhD scholarship The role of milk in lamb growth : Under pastoral conditions, lamb growth is nutritionally driven by nutrient intake both from milk and pasture. For enquires and submission of curriculum vitae, please contact Prof. Patrick Morel ([email protected]).


Project 4: PhD scholarship Ewe nutrition meta-analysis : Optimal nutrition of the ewe in pregnancy – a meta-analysis approach. For enquires and submission of curriculum vitae, please contact Professor Paul Kenyon ([email protected]).


Project 5: PhD Scholarship in Measurement Practices and Agricultural Science Networks : Pilot research in Massey University’s farmer learning program has identified an extensive network of knowledge exchanges involving novel pastoral species and techniques. If you have any questions please contact Brennon Wood at [email protected].


Project 6: PhD Scholarship Lamb thermoregulatory capacity : The role of skin characteristics and subcutaneous fat on thermoregulative capacity of newborn lambs. For enquires and submission of curriculum vitae, please contact Professor Hugh Blair ( [email protected]).


Project 7: Exploring farmer motivation for learning and innovation: While there is a long history of research on extension and technology transfer to farmers, a fresh and innovative approach is needed to ensure that farmers learn highly effective technologies and that this learning has an impact on their practices. For enquires and submission of curriculum vitae, please contact Dr Alison Sewell  ([email protected]).


(Image source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Masseyalbany2005.JPG )